
Fission Drive lets you browse public, unencrypted files stored on IPFS.

Fission Drive is currently a preview release of our upcoming file storage and identity system that lets you take your files anywhere, encrypted end-to-end as well as for public hosting of files, websites, and apps.

The Preview release is an exploration of the interface, and currently supports only public files.

Enter any IPFS Hash

You can browse any IPFS directory, not just those hosted on Fission, by entering in the hash, or Content ID (CID), of a directory.

You can use QmbCLefkFuXbhHBWSW7PWmJzBL7W7e8zm41HK4DGJ1RDwV as an example folder to browse. Visit to try it out.

The hash above represents Boris' public files, which you can also see in the default IPFS browser at


Dark & Light Mode

Preview supports system wide / browser settings for dark vs. light mode and will switch automatically when you change those settings.

Note: ChromeOS does not currently support dark mode.

File Previews

Clicking on an image will give you a file preview.

Click on the double arrows in the top right hand corner to embiggen the preview to full screen. Hit the X to close the preview.

The "Open in new tab" link will give you a permanent link for sharing the current file, using the Fission IPFS gateway.

Mobile Support

Yes, this works on mobile!

Keyboard Shortcuts

Use arrow keys to navigate, enter to open preview.

Last updated