Getting Started

Get your first site up and running with this beginner-friendly guide


With fission installed, we are ready to set it up on your local machine. If this is your first time using fission, you will be prompted for a username and an email to confirm your new account.

$ fission setup
🌱 Setting up environment
🪐 Downloading managed IPFS for Linux
🎛️  Configuring managed IPFS
generating ED25519 keypair...done
peer identity: 12D3KooWHZ3C1tDmzUhgi3A6LYmgBxvv1E1obtG7S2ZkYM1MN83
initializing IPFS node at /home/yourname/.config/fission/ipfs
🔑 Creating keys
🏠 Do you have an existing account? [Y/n] n
Username: YOURNAME
✅ Registration successful! Head over to your email to confirm your account.
🎛️  Initializing user config file
✅ Done! Welcome to Fission, YOURNAME ✨.                                                                                             

A private key has been generated for your machine and saved in the ~/.config/fission/key/ directory. This key secures your communication with Fission services and works like using an SSH key to connect to GitHub.

Account Linking

If you already have an account created in a web browser, you can link it on your local machine. See the Fission CLI linking guide to link your account.

Create a simple webpage

Let's publish a simple webpage with Fission! We will write a simple webpage, register it as a Fission app, and publish it to the web.

Create a project directory and an index.html file.

mkdir hello-universe
cd hello-universe
touch index.html

Add some content to index.html:

    <title>Hello Universe!</title>
    <h1>Hello Universe!</h1>
    <p>This is a Fission powered page.</p>
    <p>Assisted by <a href="">Fission</a>.</p>

Run fission app register command to initialize the webpage as a Fission app. You will be prompted for a build directory.

$ fission app register
👷 Build directory (.):

Press enter to set hello-universe as your build directory, and fission will initialize your app.

✅ App initialized as
⏯️  Next run fission app publish or fission app publish --watch to sync data
💁 It may take DNS time to propagate this initial setup globally. 
In this case, you can always view your app at

Fission will create a fission.yaml file with your app configuration.

ignore: []
build: .

The url is where your webpage will be on the web after it has been published, build tells the fission which directory to publish, and ignore is a list of files and directories to ignore. See the Fission YAML guide for more details.

Run fission app publish to publish the webpage.

$ fission app publish
🕚🛫 App publish local preflight
✈️  Pushing to remote
🚀 Now live on the network
📝 DNS updated! Check out your site at:

Copy the URL from the last line and paste it into your web browser to view the webpage live on the web. Nice and simple!

It may take a few minutes for DNS to propagate. If you don't see the webpage live at the URL, come back and try again in a bit. You can also take the URL from the CLI output and view the webpage at{URL}right away.

Last updated

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