Fission YAML

More information on global and app YAML configuration files.

Fission stores global and app configuration options in YAML files. The global configuration is stored in a config.yaml file and app configurations are stored in fission.yaml files.

Global Fission YAML

After you run fission user setup, you will have a global config.yaml in your ~/.config/fission/ folder. You can open config.yaml in a text editor or display it at the command line.

more ~/.config/fission/config.yaml

The default global config.yaml will looks something like this:

ignore: []
username: fission
root_proof: null
server_did: did:key:zStEZpzSMtTt9k2vszgvCwF4fLQQSyA15W5AQ4z3AR6Bx4eFJ5crJFbuGxKmbma4
- /dns4/
- /dns4/
- /dns4/
- /dns4/
- /dns4/
- /dns4/
- /dns4/
- /dns4/
- /dns4/
- /dns4/
- /dns4/
- /dns4/
update_checked: 2021-06-08T22:47:53.507087194Z
signing_key_path: /home/fission/.config/fission/key/machine_id.ed25519

In most cases, the only thing you will want to change in this file is the ignore section. The other sections are managed by the Fission CLI.


Ignore is a list of files you don't want fission app publish to publish. For example, you might add commonly ignored files and secrets.

ignore: [".DS_Store", ".env"]

Ignore follows the same conventions used in a .gitignore file.


Username is a name you select for yourself during fission setup.


The UCAN that was used to link from another device or browser. null if the account was created on this device.


Server DID is the identity of the Fission server that authenticates your requests when using the Fission CLI.


We configure your machine to directly connect to our servers. The peers are the IP addresses and fingerprints of our servers.

You can also fetch our active public peers from the peers endpoint:


Timestamp of the last check for an updated version of the CLI.


The path to the key used to sign requests made when using the Fission CLI.

Fission YAML for Apps

When you create a new app with fission app register, a fission.yaml file is created in the directory where you ran the command. The default fission.yaml file looks something like:

ignore: []
build: ./dist


Ignore works the same as the ignore in the global configuration. You can use it to list files that you do not want to publish.

 - node_modules
 - *.psd

You might use it to ignore a directory like node_modules or all files with an extension like Photoshop .psd files.


The URL where your app is viewable after it has been published.


The build directory is the directory the Fission CLI will publish. Use this when you have a build step that produces a production-ready version of your application.

The build directory is set as a relative path from the location of the fission.yaml file.

If you are using a well-known build directory, the Fission CLI will attempt to detect it the first time you run fission app register. It will prompt you and ask if you would like to use the directory it detects.

Last updated

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