Fission CLI

The Fission Command Line Interface (CLI)

The Fission CLI has the following commands:

  • login

  • logout

  • register

  • reset-password

  • up

  • down

  • watch

  • whoami

Details on all of these commands can be seen at any time by running fission --help

Usage: fission [--version] [--help] COMMAND
  Fission makes developing, deploying, updating and iterating on web
  applications quick and easy.

Available options:
  --version                Show version
  --help                   Show this help text

Available commands:
  login                    Add your Fission credentials
  logout                   Logout of your Fission account
  register                 Register for Fission and login
  reset-password           Reset Fission Password
  up                       Keep your current working directory up
  down                     Pull a ipfs or ipns object down to your system
  watch                    Keep your working directory in sync with the IPFS
  whoami                   Check the current user

Login & Register

Before using Fission services, you need to login. login and register prompt you for user credentials and store them in ~/.fission.yaml.

If you ever need to log into a different account, just delete ~/.fission.yaml and login again.


This is the only command you need to get your content hosted on the decentralized web!

To use up, make sure that you:

  • have an IPFS daemon running in the background (through ipfs-desktop, or in another terminal)

  • are currently in the directory containing the assets you want to deploy

A few things happen when you run fission up:

  • the directory is recursively added to IPFS through your local node (the equivalent of running ipfs add -r ./)

  • Your local node connects to a remote Fission node (the equivalent of running ipfs swarm connect [peerId])

  • A Pin Request is sent to our server which tells the remote Fission node to get and store the requested content directly from your local node

  • a request is sent to our server to update the Domain associated with you account to point to the new content using dnslink ℹ

    • This points [username] at our IPFS gateway (

    • And _dnslink.[username] at your uploaded content

    • Note: It may take some time for DNS to propagate. So give it a minute or two if it doesn't load immediately.

But from your perspective, it's just success messages, emojis, and a link to your hosted website 🚀



If you're currently developing your website and want continuous updates to the hosted version, use watch instead of up.

This command does the same thing as up but after uploading your content, it continues watching the current directory for changes. Every time you change a file, it adds the new content to IPFS, pins it to the remote Fission node, and updates DNS.

Last updated

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